We are living the last grotesque gasp of the patriarchal age.
The ignorant hate the truth
and project their ignorance onto the other.
Unbridled greed does not serve our higher purpose.
"We've never seen anything this bizarre in our lifetimes, where up is down
and down is up and everything is in question and nothing is real."
Charles Lewis, founder of the Center for Public Integrity
This twice a year time change is for the birds.
Let's go to the half hour and never change the time again.
You who shackle, control or diminish in the name of any law,
you who are repressed and therefore must oppress,
you are the disease. Look to your own soul.
Heal thyself and set things free.
The brilliant strategy of the super wealthy, corporate and media controlling few
to turn our country into a nation of idiots has admirably succeeded.
Statesmen don't fare well in our country.
We prefer corrupt politicians and demagogues.
We Get What We Deserve
Our leaders reflect what we are. What they can do is limited by what we have done.
Our real work is within ourselves. And it's work every one of us can do.
Some of us have been doing it for decades. Most haven't begun.
We can only move forward to something better as a whole
to the degree that each of us does so within ourselves.
The collective determines where we go and what we get.
Each of us determines what the collective is.
Would you like to see things better?
Heal thyself.
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