

The most important books in the world right now are the ten Ringing Cedars of Russia books.
They're doing more for people and the world than everything else put together.
The first book in the series is Anastasia by Vladimir Megré.
For more about them read this very brief eBook.
Anastasia's Food Growing/Healing Protocol
Anastasia-Related Documentary

Little-Known Breakthroughs

David C. Johnson's Biologically Enhanced Agricultural Management (BEAM)
Watch the video at the bottom and beware, he's not eloquent
or easy to watch but the content is world-saving.

David Weininger, a renaissance genius, discovered a molecule that enhances memory and intelligence.
He called it the Cognition Enhancer. But when he tried to test it in the normal, medical ways, he
encountered obstacles at every turn. Finally, he was invited to the party of some well-known
people he barely knew here in Santa Fe. Out of curiosity he went. There, he was approached
by two prominent politicians. They told him he would never be allowed to test, threatened
his life and left him with, and I quote, "Enhanced intelligence is not wanted." So he
built a ten ton steel model of the molecule, which now sits outside his company,
Daylight Chemical Information Systems, at 441 Greg Avenue in Santa Fe. It
closed when he died. His partner's facility in California remains open.

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